Shanghai - Hangzhou Trains page introduces some train information between Shanghai and Hangzhou, as well as some tips for travelling to the two cities.
Shanghai - Hangzhou Trains
There are about 126 pairs of trains travelling between Shanghai and Hangzhou. About 44 of them are ordinary trains (K or T series trains ) and the rest are high-speed trains (D or G series ) trains. The ordinary trains take about 2 hours to 2 and a half hours for one way trip, while the high speed trains take about 1 to one and half hour for one trip between the two ciites. So it is hgihly recommended to take high-speed trains(G-series or D-series) to save time.
►Train from Shanghai to Hangzhou
Trains from Shanghai to Hangzhou departs every 10 miintues from three station in Shanghai.
High-speed trains usually departs from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, only a few of them departs from Shanghai Railway Station. High-speed trains operates from 6:20 am to 21:31. It takes one to one and a half hous.
Ordinaray trains leaving for Hangzhou all depart from Shangai South Railway Station. It runs from 05:18 am to 23:35.
►Train from Hangzhou to Shanghai
Trains from Hangzhou to Shanghai departs from Hangzhou East Railway Station or Hangzhou Railway Station.
High-speed trains operate from 6:10 to 21:49 every day, with almost every 10 minutes departure.
Ordinary trains operates from 02:04 to 20:08 evey day. Most of them leave from Hangzhou East Railway Station, only a few leaves from Hangzhou Railway Station.
Notes for Taking Train in China
1. Booking an original train is easier than booking a passing-by train. Train ticket can be booked 20 days in advance at most.
2. Generally, the seats on the ordinary train in China have tow types including soft seat and hard seat. Train sleepers are classified into two types: soft sleeper and hard sleeper. Hard sleeper has three sub-categories: upper hard sleeper, middle hard sleeper and lower hard sleeper; Soft sleeper has two sub-categories: upper soft sleeper and lower soft sleeper (better). If you take an over-night train or long distance train, you would better buy a ticket for soft sleeper to make your trip more comfortable.
While in high-speed trains, only seats are available. No sleepers. There are business seats(the best), super seat, first class seat and second seat. You can visit Types of China Train Seat to find more.
Tips for travelling to Shanghai and Hangzhou
Best Time to Visit Shanghai:
The best time to travel in Shanghai is in spring and autumn, The city has a subtropical maritime monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons. Generally, the warm Spring and cool Autumn are the more comfortable seasons. While Summer and Winter are far less pleasant. Overall, Shanghai enjoys a mild and moist climate.
Best Time to Visit Hangzhou:
Best time to visit is March to October, especially Spring from March to May. West Lake in spring is in its most beautiful moment.
From on request
From on request